CG RoadCG Road Mon - Sat 10:0 - 7:30 + 91 8141034545
Last 11 year Service Provider
Trusted By
500++ Customers
Well Known
in Ahmedabad
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Our Team

Meet Our Energetic Team

Our Team

The Firm has a well-structured team, with pre-defined roles and responsibilities, and with the required supervision from the seniors/ partners. A structured approach not only aids in delivering services to the satisfaction of clients, but also provides a structured road-map for the professionals. Our Team has always been at the forefront of professional development. Their professional expertise coupled with their wide experience of the local and international business environment ensures a service to clients of the highest professional standards while emphasizing a practical, as opposed to theoretical, solution to problems

Jayesh Vaghela

FCA Partner

+91 81410 34545

Biren Shah

FCA, Partner

+91 98982 30688

Rahul Shah

FCA, Partner

+91 94277 16664